Feb. 11, 2014
CONTACT: Kurt Hammond, Public Information Officer- (360) 786-7794
Another delay on Obamacare at federal level, Manweller bills to address glitches blocked by House Democrats
Despite yesterday’s announcement that the federal government will yet again delay many of the provisions of ObamaCare, the democratically-controlled Washington State House of Representatives chose not to act on a series of bills that would address those national glitches. House Health Care and Wellness Committee Chair Eileen Cody, D-West Seattle, refused to give a hearing or a vote to bills introduced by Rep. Matt Manweller that would have let people keep their preferred insurance plans and to purchase cheaper plans in other states. Manweller’s bill became more relevant given the additional delays announced yesterday at the federal level.
“I am shocked and perplexed that the Democrats would block legislation giving Washington residents the option to keep their old, less-expensive health care plans and to prevent them from purchasing catastrophic care plans in other states. The president himself has granted these privileges to the citizens of every other state. Why should Washington be left out?” said Manweller, R-Ellensburg.
“I am hearing from constituents who have received cancellation letters, seen their deductibles and premiums triple, and who have given up on affordable health care,” said Manweller. “The federal government continues to delay the confusing and burdensome mandates on employers, but Democrats in Washington are blocking that relief from helping struggling families and individuals in our state. It makes no sense.”
Manweller introduced two bills, House Bill 2220 and 2221, which would allow Washington residents to buy catastrophic health care plans in other states and would instruct the Office of the Insurance Commissioner to enter into compacts with other states to facilitate the purchase of out-of-state health care plans. Manweller’s bills died in the House Health Care and Wellness Committee. The cutoff date for bills in House policy committees was last Friday, Feb. 7.
“Unfortunately, our state insurance commissioner has not been supportive of allowing individuals to keep their pre-Obamacare plans and the chair of our health care committee did not schedule a public hearing on legislation that would provide our consumers more choices,” said Manweller. “Once again who is sticking up for the little guy? Businesses will have help wading through the morass of rules and requirements. Yet no one is easing requirements on individuals, most of whom are required to obtain insurance starting this year, whether their employers offer it or not. Our state could be a leader and be proactive, instead we are going to let potential solutions die in committee.”
Approximately 290,000 Washingtonians in the individual market received cancellation notices.
A companion bill, Senate Bill 6464, sponsored by Sen. Steve O’Ban, that would allow health insurance carriers from other states to offer plans in Washington if the plans meet all applicable requirements in the carrier’s home state, is currently in the Senate Ways and Means Committee.
For more information about Rep. Manweller, visit: www.representativemattmanweller.com.
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